Lauren's Ring of Fire

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Farewell - November 16, 2005

Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

Karma is a Bitch, Beeootch!! - August 30, 2005

Tribute - August 08, 2005

Buying in Bulk - April 14, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
February 10, 2005~~3:59 p.m.
Taking Care of Business

I have a few things to take care of that don�t really warrant a whole separate entry each.

~~The first, and possibly most pressing issue that all of you have been waiting over a year now to find out, is how much, exactly, did I find in change, on the ground, in the year 2004. Well, I�ll tell you. Elizabeth and I found a whopping $3.10. That is just under one cent per day. And further, I am proud to report that so far, this year, I have found an average of MORE than one cent per day. I haven�t called Jeni�s mom to find out who won our contest for last year�s money finding contest, but I�m sure she won. For one thing, she found over $200 in folded bills on a casino floor one day in Tahoe. She said she wouldn�t count it toward her annual total, but if we�re playing fairly, she did find it and it wasn�t hers to begin with, so technically, it should count for her and I should lose by a landslide. But as far as just who found the most dirty pennies on the ground? I am curious to know, I will admit�

~~I am not sure if I should be proud of this fact or not, but it appears as though when you do a Yahoo search for the terms �dry heaving� my diary comes up first every time. Just in the last 24 hours, I have had four hits from this very search from all parts of the country. Go figure. This is not exactly the legacy I expected to leave with my writing, but hell. I�ll take what I can get.

~~It has become painfully obvious that I have a diary stalker. Bubblefactory, you know who you are. Undoubtedly, we shall meet again and don�t you think it would behoove you for me NOT to know that you continue to check in on me and my �boring� life daily? Don�t you think it would be easier to cause me trouble if you weren�t so obvious in your stalking? Just a thought. But, I am flattered to know that I interest you so greatly. *blush*

~~bevin already discussed Kris Gillespie in her diary today, but I feel the need to expand on her fury. I watched �Wife Swap� last night and nearly threw my Newsweek at the television when Kris the Evil Minority started spouting off about her opposition to gaydom but then I realized that if I threw something at my t.v., which is already on the fritz, it might kill it altogether. And then I would miss the end of the show and would never know if Lizzie bitch-slapped Kris on her way out the door. What the hell?? I told Bevin that listening to Kris was like being back in SciEntOLogyland. Everything out of her mouth was like listening to a cult language handbook. At one point, she said, �And THIS is how you parent excellently.� She continually made the point that she always strived for excellence. Well, I hate to break it to you, Kris, but those ugly ass suits and matching wooden necklaces were far less than �excellent.� Money can buy a lot of things, but good taste is not one of them, evidently. Lest I forget, I should mention her plastic smile that she flashed throughout the show which belied her ability to kill violently in the still of the night. I hope Nicki slept with a cleaver under her pillow for the duration of filming just in case. And then, at the end of the show, Kris prayed for Lizzie, Nicki and Chris (the lesbians and their daughter) as if to show how �accepting� and �loving� and �kind� she is. Let�s just be honest here, Kris. You prefer to get off on being self-righteous and hateful out of your fear and loathing than to be accepting and loving and kind. There is a special place in hell for bitches like her. Mark my words. Kris only served to further my position of distrust of black female Republicans. First Condi Rice and now Kris Gillespie? What is the world coming to?

~~Elizabeth Grace turned 18 months old three days ago. Where did my baby go? Yesterday she said a full sentence for the first time. We were playing on the slide structure here at our complex and she would hide behind a pole and then pop out and say �I see you!� Granted, it�s something I�ve been saying to her for her whole life, so it�s possible she�s just mimicking me, as usual, but she said it on her own accord and, well, it IS a sentence after all. I had no idea the love I would have for this child. Happy 18 month birthday, Weedoo!! You are such a big girl now!

~~Star Jones Reynolds�make it stop. Someone please make it stop. It wasn�t enough to have her on t.v. every fricking morning so now she�s on every red carpet throughout awards season? I might die just hearing her talk and brag about it. And someone needs to tell her that her ugly diamond monogram necklace should have gotten lost at the wedding. Surely there was enough corporate-sponsor tulle to hide it in somewhere?