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Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
2002-01-29~~9:37 p.m.
I Need a Xanex

Make no mistake about it, George W. Bush loves saying �make no mistake about it.� Oh and also the word �folks.� Yessereebob. Just watched the State of the Union address and it was another oratory success for our verbally challenged Prez. And things are apparently bad for other Shrubs around the country, as it seems that Jeb�s daughter got caught trying to steal Xanex from some pharmacy somewhere. I guess I might need that drug if I were a Bush too. Can hardly blame the poor gal.


Reality television redeems itself! Last night, the first episode of the latest Real World/Road Rules Challenge was aired on MTV. And it was great. And I loved it. And I resent that they show previews of Real World Chicago on MTV at every turn. But the Challenge this season has my favorites, Kelley and Danny from New Orleans on and they are wonderful. So I am happy.


I hate job fairs. And I thought I hated them when the only ones I�d been to were the ones at UC Davis�until I went to the Sacramento Career Expo this morning. You know why I hate them? Well, I�ll tell you.

First of all, there are a MILLION poorly dressed �professionals� all trying to look good and make good impressions on people who won�t remember you from apple butter the minute you walk away.

Second, half of the companies at today�s job fair were there to fill about three positions. When they get approximately 3184 applications and resumes for these three positions, I, as a recent college grad/law school dropout, have about as much chance as a bug in front of a swiftly moving Volvo of successfully landing the job.

Third, there are always an overabundance of tech jobs and financial planner positions neither of which I am qualified for or interested in at ALL. And at the UC Davis job fairs there are always a plethora of science jobs for which I am most DEFINITELY unqualified unless you count the fact that I can explode things in the microwave once in awhile and that I know that aluminum foil works to keep heat in on casseroles. But that�s as far as I got on the periodic table of the elements. And all those science majors at UCD? Oh, they�re all kissing ass at the Genentech booth and waving their resumes and chem awards in the face of the other nerdy science employers.

(P.S. Maria had to go to campus this morning and she noted that the only people awake at 9 a.m. on campus, during WINTER quarter (that�s giving ALL the Freshmen a whole quarter to clue in) are the Asian (yes, racially stereotyping here) kids who have chem. labs at 7:30 a.m. sharp but hope to get there early to look good and review class notes.)

Fourth, did I mention the lack of social science oriented jobs? Oh yeah. That too. It blows. Once upon a time, when dot coms were alive, one could major in a social science and get a job right away. But alas. Now that you must be an engineer to be marketable or a science geek who knows how to cut DNA in half, anyone with any type of social life or skill in people watching or Mullet hunting is shit out of luck, to put it mildly.

My options as I see it: become a teacher or a hooker. Neither of which sounds all that appealing right now.

What�s a girl to do?