Lauren's Ring of Fire

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Farewell - November 16, 2005

Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

Karma is a Bitch, Beeootch!! - August 30, 2005

Tribute - August 08, 2005

Buying in Bulk - April 14, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
2002-01-18~~10:22 a.m.
Livin' On The Edge

I just did something life threatening. I know. It was unreasonable of me and done with reckless abandon and careless disregard for the value and preciousness of life.

I ate a pretzel.

Actually, I ate a FEW pretzels. But don't tell my mother. She will have a fit.


It has been brought to my attention by Maria, that I may have broken my vow not to grocery shop when, last night, I stopped at the Stop and Rob on the corner and picked up some Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. If this $3 purchase does, in fact, constitute cheating, please do not hold it against me. Sometimes a girl needs her B&J fix. And that was B AND J, not the other, thank you.

Also, just to clarify, the above mentioned pretzels are free, here at PRF (PR Firm) so that doesn't count as shopping or not eating food I already have. I mean, if it's free, you can't just pass it up, can you?

In conclusion, the fact that I ate the entire pint of Ben and Jerry's last night (a feat I haven't completed in quite some time, actually, but which I impressively maintain my ability to do despite long intervals of time in between trials) and subsequently felt guilty, I believe is redeemed, due to only having seven pretzels and some jasmine green tea for breakfast this morning (since I have no breakfast food and am banned from Safeway and all).

And as an aside, can I just say that I am thoroughly convinced that there is more than just fat-burning qualities inherent in green tea?! Seriously. That monster zit I had earlier this week? Gone. G-O-N-E gone. Those anti-oxidants are hard at work in my body.


Oh the saga with AT&T Broadband cable continues. The biggest gripe I have with them is that they are a monopoly here in Sacramento, so you can't actually "choose" another service if you want. You have no choice but to sign your life and t.v. pleasures away to AT&T. Blast them!

When I cancelled HBO last month, I paid our bill for less than the balance like the lady told me to. Then I get our new bill and it's almost $20 more than I thought it should be. But that's even with a credit for $40! Can you believe it? Crikey! Why does it cost so much just to be able to watch Friends and some Wedding Story on a ghetto cable box with an even more ghetto remote?

Lauren and Maria:0 The Man: 3184


New Favorite Thing

Sugar instead of honey in my morning tea. Not only does this actually ENHANCE the flavor of green tea, it does not hinder it like honey seems to. I feel like I am in a Chinese restaurant when I drink my green tea now and I'm not even sure the tea in Chinese restaurants is green tea. But it tastes very similar in any case. So this is much much better. And more cost effective as honey is rather expensive when you no longer reside in your small hometown and get free Star Thistle honey from your parents' rancher friend whose land houses many a honey bee box. Not to mention, honey makes a HUGE mess when it drips AND it usually doesn't dissolve all the way or if it does by chance, it makes your tea too sweet. All of these issues make sugar in my tea my new favorite thing.


Will it ever END at 24 Hour Fitness? I thought that if I resigned to their unwanted advances, I would cease to be accosted by anyone 24 Hour-related. But it was not to be.

First, the other night, there was this guy who, while I was standing outside the locker room talking on my phone, not in anyone's way and in a relatively inconspicuous place, walked by me and looked me up and down (I think appreciatively, but possibly hungrily...yuck), turned around, walked a few feet and turned around AGAIN and looked me up and down AGAIN! At this point, after watching the whole thing, I said something cuss-word-infiltrated about him needing to keep walking and then he said something cuss-word-infiltrated at me! Can you STAND it?!

What the hell was THAT?!?! So now, not only am I supposed to be content in my position as a piece of ass to ogle, and GLAD that SlimeyShortMan is looking at me, but I'm supposed to be GLAD that he did it twice. THEN, I am not allowed to defend myself after having my personal space and dignity violated and I get to be cussed at??!! No. I will not have it. I get serious points for that one, because this is MY diary.

Thus: Lauren: 3184 SlimeyShortMan: 0

Then, there's this continuing issue with the personal trainers at 24 Hour who won't stop calling me for all the little "goodies" that I need to schedule since I have a new membership. One of the "perks" of joining was that I get 2 free sessions with a personal trainer to show me around the weight room and teach me how to use the stuff and where to find the ab roller. Um, hi, I've been working out and lifting weights since high school and if I need anything, my boyfriend can help me out. So this guy keeps calling me to schedule my first meeting, but I've not been home when he called.

Finally, I was home. The conversation went something like this:

Lauren: Hello?

Lucifer, the 24 Hour Devil: Hi, Lauren?

Lauren: Yes.

Lucifer: Hi, this is Lucifer, the 24 Hour Devil calling to schedule your appointment.

Lauren: Oh, you know, I don't think I really need to do that.

Lucifer (snottily): Oh, are you a personal trainer or something?

(as if the ONLY possible way you might not need a PT is because you ARE one)

Lauren: No, but I've had gym memberships for a million years.

Lucifer: And you're getting the results that you want?

Lauren (fed up and pissed off at yet ANOTHER irritating 24 Hour guy): Well, I'm about to!


Christ! Why won't these people take no for an answer? I always think, after the fact, that I should say something snotty to them at the time, but when it's all happening, I am so appalled that they are like that, that I can't say anything!

I just might call to complain about Lucifer.

I think I will.


Last Item:

Props to my mother for FINALLY (after 4 1/2 months) mastering our message center answering service and pressing "2" at the right time so as to leave a message for ME in MY mailbox.

Before, it was always Maria getting all excited that she had a message and then it being my mom in her mailbox going:

"Lauren. Mom. I don't know if I got this right, but I pressed 2 when it said to, but I never heard your voice. I heard Maria's but I never heard yours. I did what it said, but I just don't know. So hopefully you get this message... (long pause) I just don't know....I think you may need to call the phone people because it just never gives me your voice when I press 2. And I did press 2, I know it...(longer pause) so I just wanted to know something about this weekend, so just call me back when you have a chance, okay? Bye. Oh. I love you! Bye."

Every time.

Bless her heart.