Lauren's Ring of Fire

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Farewell - November 16, 2005

Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

Karma is a Bitch, Beeootch!! - August 30, 2005

Tribute - August 08, 2005

Buying in Bulk - April 14, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
2002-01-18~~2:58 p.m.
Like A Phoenix From The Ashes

It was as if God Himself were smiling down upon me. I found pasta, butter AND feta in my possession at home. You know what that means!! All fair game for making my Favorite Meal!! It was truly a scrounger's miracle!

From the ruins that are my fridge and food cupboard arose my Favorite Meal.


So while I was eating my Favorite Meal, I was watching MTV. Firstly, it appears from the previews that the next season of Real World/Road Rules Challenge is going to be MUCH much better than RW Chicago is panning out to be. So I informed Maria that it just may be that I can get my MTV Reality show fix from just THAT show instead of having to watch RW on Tuesdays as well. Phew. What a relief. And the good thing about RW/RR Challenge is that in includes past you can't go wrong. All these weirdos they have on now will NOT be included.

But the show I was watching today was "Real Life" a semi-documentary (MTV know...very informative and moving) on the Miss America Pageant and the Miss Hooters America (or something) pageant for girls who work at Hooters. Appallingly, this combination somehow served to make Miss America look slightly credible when compared with Miss Hooters USA.

My favorite part was when they interviewed Miss Florida's gay dance coach and his life partner and their other gay friend. They were all three sitting in the front row of "Miss Florida's Cheering Section" and were a total crackup. When Miss Florida didn't make it to the top 5, they all cried. It was touching.

All in all, my attempt at not watching "Elimidate" was a screaming success! MTV was even more entertaining that "Blind Date" where they are currently running dates filmed in Ibiza, Spain. Those dates really annoy me because they usually include a European and we all know that many Europeans act a little strangely as a rule. It's just generally irritating to watch.



I tried to call 24 Hour Fitness to bitch out Lucifer, but they put me on hold for too long so I hung up.