Lauren's Ring of Fire

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Farewell - November 16, 2005

Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

Karma is a Bitch, Beeootch!! - August 30, 2005

Tribute - August 08, 2005

Buying in Bulk - April 14, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
2001-12-10~~11:46 a.m.
Carson's Coming up Roses

I'm beginning to wonder why it is that I pay rent to live with Maria when I really live at J. Crew. I mean, I know I asked for this crazy wacky lifestyle in signing up for 2 part time jobs, but please. I have been to Gay Crew every day for the past 4 days straight, then have to work tonight until 11 p.m. and tomorrow a.m. starting at 7. That doesn't even give me 8 hours to sleep in between if I wanted to! Yikes! I think my paycheck might be sort of substantial this next time, but still. Egad.

I think the term "reckless abandon" should be used more. There. I said it.

Also, I really enjoy the phrase "(such and so) fell into a pile of shit and came out smelling like a rose." I think it is very descriptive. I used it in regard to Carson Daly the other day. It applies well to him. I mean, he got this job at MTV on some show called "TRL" which wasn't even expected to be that big of a deal, and he's totally too old to be on MTV hanging with Britney. Mandy Moore should be the host of TRL. Carson Daly is like watching a high school hairy come back to a basketball game 5 years later to be "seen" when in fact, he's never left town to begin with and has been "seen" at every sporting event since he graduated. But I digress.

Anyway, Carson got this job and then it got all big with the teeny boppers and then he got engaged to that bitch, Tara Reid, who wears ENTIRELY too much eyeliner and disappears when she turns sideways (neither reason is why she's a bitch...I've seen her on interviews several times and she thinks she's so cool when really, she's just B-list at best, and dated that one guy, Carson Daly for awhile, who was just one person who fell into a pile of shit and came out smelling like a rose). Anyway, does ANYONE have ANY idea of who the hell Carson Daly was before TRL? And if he was so great before then, why is he STILL on TRL? I don't get it. Which is why, in conclusion, he gets the "From Shit to Rose Award" for the day. Congratulations, Carson.