Lauren's Ring of Fire

you have just fallen in......................

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Farewell - November 16, 2005

Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

Karma is a Bitch, Beeootch!! - August 30, 2005

Tribute - August 08, 2005

Buying in Bulk - April 14, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
2001-11-09~~6:11 p.m.
Vintage shmintage.

My eyes are a ring of fire....

I'm way too impressionable. At PRF (PR Firm), where I work, they/we do a lot of PR for environmental issues. I find myself doing these mundane tasks involving either reading ads or promotions for an issue or like today, spending 7 hours editing (I should've just started the whole thing over by retyping it...would've taken WAY less time...and my eyes would not be dry and bloodshot at this early hour) this list of recycle-oriented businesses and totally wanting to participate or purchase the said promotions! Like the other day, I was reading all about re-refiltered oil for your car. Did you know oil doesn't get old it just gets dirty? (That's the slogan, by the way)Well, it does. After about 15 minutes, I felt like having my oil changed, even though I just had that done about 3 weeks ago.

Then, today, while I was editing my life away, I was suddenly filled with the desire to go shopping at a consignment shop or vintage clothing store. No joke! Me! I am usually very unattracted to the idea of purchasing used clothing...something about that grosses me out. But anyway, today, while reading over the list of local Goodwills, auto recycling centers, tire recyclers, antique shops and yes, vintage clothiers, I suddenly envisioned myself in some funky corduroys (sp?) and cute little seventies style crop top with furry oversized winter coat and sunglasses.

And kind of off the subject, why do some people refuse to use correct punctuation when writing things like N. Davis St.? How hard is it to put periods after N and St? Due to someone's negligence in that department, I wasted a good 3 hours of my life today. So can we all work on that please? Thank you.

And back on the subject, I'm so glad Rebecca has come to visit...she's the perfect person to drag around Midtown to go vintage clothes shopping with this virgin vintage shopper tomorrow. Not to mention, vintage is in my budget!

This is looking better and better for me. It is like a new awakening. I feel so free and retro already!