Lauren's Ring of Fire

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
2001-11-11~~1:16 p.m.
Legally Retarded

I fell into the burning ring of fire....

I did it. I broke my boycott of the movie "Legally Blonde." Yes. Dry your tears though, I'm not sure it counts if I didn't actually PAY for the video rental. Plus, under the guise of me just being a nice hostess to Rebecca, it might not count either, but anyway, we rented it and watched it yesterday.

Good God. I think the point was to show that blondes can be smart, too. Hmm. The message I got was "blondes can look intelligent on accident sometimes." As an aside, can I just make it clear to anyone a little out of the loop that the sorority portrayed in the movie, Delta Nu, was really a take on Delta Gamma? Even their shield looked like ours...not to mention everything was pepto bismol pink which is one of our colors. But anyway. I'm not sure if they were trying to make DGs look stupid or smart (see above, where Lauren's perceived message may not be the one intended) but I can say in our defense that despite what that sorority house looked like, we didn't all dress like that all the time and sometimes the bathroom was even empty!

But anyway, can I just give a big "YEAH RIGHT" toward that movie? I mean, I know it's just supposed to be fun and funny, but please. A 179 out of 180 on the LSAT? Whatever. The only people who get that score are LSAT teachers and front row middle seat students. And some people in law school are under the illusion that they too scored a 179 but really they need to be reminded that if they DID get that score, they wouldn't be at Santa Clara University acting all annoying and asking those ridiculous questions. And who at Harvard during their first year has the time to do an internship on the defense team for a murder trial??? I could go on, but you get the picture.

This movie would have been much more believable if Elle had gained 10 pounds in the law library and her chihuahua had been crushed to death under a Criminal Law casebook.

In short, I felt dirty for watching this movie after I vowed not to. I felt it was an affront to my efforts in law school all the while not even being a natural blonde. But the weekend was redeemed when I saw "Life as a House" which I cried through and which was excellent!

I had my first training session today at J. Crew! I'm excited to be around young people and lots of customer traffic. Not to mention the cool discount on work clothes. Which reminds me, I didn't make it to any vintage stores yesterday, but it's okay because I DID get a manicure/pedicure, which was definitely more the priority. With these highlights growing out and all, I was starting to look straight trashy. But I caught it just in time. Thank the Lord for that.

Happy Sunday!