Lauren's Ring of Fire

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Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
2001-11-08~~8:28 p.m.
Digital Cable. Bah!

...and it makes, a fiery ring...

So I spent a good 3 hours in the past two weeks doing something completely inane, as I learned today, on the phone with the tech support at AT&T Broadband. Last Thursday, before I went to the Jewish Community Awards ceremony with my dad, I discovered that my VCR had not been taping my shows (Oprah, Friends, Will and Grace, Oprah, Oprah and Oprah) for the past week, since I had set it to tape. For the 20 minutes before my dad arrived to pick me up, I struggled to program my VCR to tape Must See T.V., but it would have nothing of it. I cried. I pleaded. I said, "Come on my little VeeCee, I NEEEED you to help me out's the one hour Halloween special of Friends! I need you to tape this!!" But he was being a little fiesty thing, trying to show his independence, and so, dear ones, I sadly missed Friends. But now, a week after the drama, I decided to tackle this little problem with my cable box/VCR/TV. I was bound. I was determined.

So I consulted my Panasonic VCR programming book. I checked my cable settings. I checked my cables. Everything was hoooked up accordingly. Still, no taping action. "Egads," I said to myself in despair while finishing off my bag of Nestle Treasures. "What the hell?" So I called up AT&T. (I then had flashbacks of the good ol' days on hold with Dell) The woman proceeded to tell me that there is no way on God's green earth that one can set the VCR to tape through the cable box. Yep. You read that right. NO WAY.

So now the pertinent question is: Why in the hell do we have digital cable? And also, why am I paying so incredibly much for it? Oh right. Because we have no choice. I can't even tape anything if I leave the house and VeeCee alone for 10 minutes! Why, in this world of never-before-seen technology, can SOMEONE like Bill Gates not figure out how to tape shows off the cable box? For the love of God. Please. Someone help me.

This just goes to show that I shouldn't get a job. I won't be able to catch Dr. Phil on Oprah on Tuesdays if I do. Humph.