Lauren's Ring of Fire

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Farewell - November 16, 2005

Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
2001-11-05~~6:09 p.m.
Are you kidding me?

And it burned burned burned...the ring of fire...the ring of fire.

Why is it that when you are unemployed and forced to pander for work due to Dubya's poor performance as Prez. you are only offered work where you will be whored out to the Republican party (I think the said offeror is in cahoots with Bush) for little or no money at all. For example, I interviewed with this PR firm a couple weeks ago against my better judgement because they do mostly Republican campaign work, and they finally offered me a job. For $24,000 a year. Um, thank you but no. I would eventually be working about 60+ hours a week and until the wee hours of the morning during election time for just above poverty level. Did they not HEAR me in the interview when I mentioned that I ditched law school and now have triple the amount of student loans to pay off? I guess not. I guess Mr. Interviewer was more concerned about telling me how he went to an Ivy League school (U of Penn...which Maria and I had to look up to make sure was Ivy is, but what good is it to get an Ivy League education if people don't know it is? But I digress...) and how he knew DG at UCD was one of the few "cool sororities" and he likes to "hire cool people when he can." Um...okay...thanks. And were you not listening when I mentioned I have a brain too? Oh right right. You were staring at my ass.

Anyhoo, unless they offer me a VAST increase in pay, I will needless to say, not be accepting their offer. MAYBE if they worked for Democrats I could think about it more seriously. But for the Republican party (which we all know has WAY more money with which to pay me), nah.

I'm in no hurry. I can defer those loans a couple more months, buddy boy. Two can play at THIS game. Ha!

Cheers everyone. I'm off to have Tapas with Christa.

p.s. I also don't need to accept his measly offer because I started at another PR firm today (hereafter known as PRF so as to protect the identities of the innocent) part-time! Woohoo! So officially, I am no longer unemployed. I am, however, the only girl in the office of 5 men. I noticed the faint traces of a moustache today in the mirror, due, I think to all the raging testosterone there. Good thing I'm only working 3 days a week...