Lauren's Ring of Fire

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Farewell - November 16, 2005

Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

Karma is a Bitch, Beeootch!! - August 30, 2005

Tribute - August 08, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
February 19, 2003~~5:50 p.m.
100 Things

1. I am left-handed.

2. When music is playing, I often find myself mindlessly tapping out the violin or piano fingerings of the music even if it is a song or piece I have never played.

3. I feel as though a workout is wasted if I am not sweating through my sports bra and my hair is not significantly dampened.

4. My favorite beer is Bud Light. Drunk straight out of the pitcher. At the Cantina in Davis.

5. My middle name is Kay.

6. For me, straight teeth are the biggest turn-on in a guy.

7. In college, Omar and I kept our relationship a secret for a year and a half from our bosses before we admitted that we were dating.

8. No alternative network programming could ever tear me away from Must-See TV on Thursday nights.

9. I learned to read when I was three.

10. I was potty-trained, dressing myself, and entertaining myself at the age of two.

11. At age five, I started playing the violin and could play �Twinkle Twinkle Little Star� in a few short months.

12. My first �violin� was a cake box with a ruler taped to the end.

13. My last violin I hope to cost upwards of $15,000 on the cheap end. At least.

14. I was doing laundry by age ten.

15. I could diaper an infant at age 7.

16. I was capable of ironing laundry at age 8.

17. Items 14 through 16 would make Susie Homemaker proud and for that, I am somewhat ashamed.

18. There has never been a time in my life when I did not know that I wanted to have children.

19. My favorite book of all time is �Gone With the Wind.�

20. I am a sick and obsessed fan of MTV reality shows and I fear that even the responsibility of parenthood will not wean me from watching.

21. I am a staunch Democrat/borderline Green Party.

22. I do not mind paying taxes.

23. Before I die, I would like to play a Stradivarius violin one time.

24. I have naturally curly hair that I straighten every day.

25. I am 5� 8� tall.

26. I get peeved when I see or receive thank you cards that say �thank you� on the front.

27. My grandfather taught me that it is rude to take a wedding gift TO the wedding. You are supposed to send it before or after.

28. My grandfather also taught me that it is tacky to leave decorative candles sitting around with the wicks un-burned.

29. One of my favorite places to be in the world is in the South. Eating barbeque.

30. I have never been so dissatisfied with my average sized breasts or sort-of strangely shaped nose that I would ever consider plastic surgery. In. My. Life.

31. I am a total dog-lover.

32. I do not feel so strongly about the feline species.

33. I am particularly irked by the idea that cats shit indoors.

34. I can give myself a killer French manicure.

35. I did not hate Jr. High OR High School.

36. I do not think this is because I was the one who made everyone else miserable during those years, either.

37. I love cheese.

38. I also love soy.

39. I have never been single for more than about 6 months at a time since I was fifteen.

40. Despite this, I have never felt as though I was defined by being �Fill in the blank�s girlfriend� or that I didn�t ever experience life on my own.

41. I have only dated one bona fide jerk in all my dating years. And that�s only hearsay.

42. I hate it when people don�t take responsibility for their actions.

43. I hate it when people hold other people accountable for things beyond their control.

44. I had my entire life planned out in perfection until I hit law school and realized that sometimes, the unknown is so much more sweet.

45. Since law school, NOTHING in my life has gone as planned. At all.

46. I am happier now than I have ever been. And that�s with my husband off to war tomorrow.

47. One of my life goals is to set an example of a strong woman to my children and to raise strong women (if I have girls) and men who respect strong women (if I have boys).

48. My toes type out the words of things that I read silently and it significantly slows my reading speed. Yes that�s right�my TOES.

49. I do not react well to authority.

50. My nails are naturally as hard and thick as, well, nails.

51. I have six ear piercings.

52. I sometimes commit white-collar crimes against my work when I stamp my bills in the postage meter and charge my department.

53. I find myself most un-photogenic.

54. I get really annoyed with people who treat me as if I don�t have five times the formal education they do. Because a lot of times, I do.

55. My dad sometimes makes fun of me for spewing my �UC Sociological bullshit� around him, but I know that secretly, he�s proud that I learned to think that stuff for myself.

56. I write our family Christmas letter every year and have become a favorite of Cal Worthington�s. Yes that�s right. We exchange Christmas cards with Cal Worthington. That is the closest I come to knowing fame.

57. The next closest I have come to knowing fame is when I met Shania Twain backstage at a concert of hers a few years ago. I felt gargantuan in comparison. She is TEENY.

58. I was not allowed to watch much television as a child. I am making up for it now.

59. My favorite color is butter yellow.

60. I fear I will never be a morning person.

61. I am rarely on time for anything, but rarely more than 10 minutes late.

62. I have been to approximately 22 of the United States. Including one non-contiguous.

63. I have been to approximately 15 foreign countries, not counting the United States.

64. Omar and I have been together for over four years and have spent more time long-distance than we have in the same town.

65. I, at once, have pity and extreme distaste for flaky, weak women.

66. I, at once, have pity and extreme distaste for Scientologists.

67. The plant on my desk at work is named Peyton.

68. I almost always give money to the homeless.

69. If the homeless I give money to choose to spend it on booze, I say, �More power to them.�

70. I shared a room with my sister until I was eleven.

71. When I was a Senior in High School, we had to move out of our house while it was being remodeled and I had to share a room and a BED with my sister for 4 months.

72. I despise water skiing.

73. I love almost any food that has tomatoes in it.

74. My first dog lived to be 15 years old and remembering the day we put him to sleep is the only thing that can make me cry on the spot.

75. At my funeral, my friends (if I die before they do) have been instructed to play �Summer of �69� because it�s just random and people will wonder what the hell it means.

76. I have been proven wrong so many times in my short life, that I always catch myself whenever I say, �I�ll never��

77. My favorite flowers are sunflowers and yellow-orange colored roses.

78. I always said I�d never get married in the winter because I wouldn�t be able to use my favorite flowers at the wedding. But then�

79. My math skills are so horrible that sometimes I am forced to laugh and shake my head in utter speechlessness at my own addition mistakes.

80. I decided to become a lawyer to avoid having to deal with my atrocious math skills but when I signed up to have my test scores sent to various law schools, I miscalculated and only paid for 6 schools instead of 10.

81. I should have seen this as the first sign NOT to go to law school.

82. I get annoyed with thick lotions that don�t rub in immediately.

83. I love almond-flavored things.

84. I shave my legs and paint my toenails all through the winter.

85. I am in constant pursuit of the perfect pair of jeans.

86. One year, in college, I had a male roommate who thought it would be MORE sanitary to use NO soap on the dishes than to use the antibacterial Dial HAND soap. He was a Biology major who had dreams of becoming a doctor. I feared for modern medicine.

87. That same year, my other male roommate would announce his intentions to masterbate or the fact that he had just finished masterbating at least once daily.

88. I feel guilty when I cannot recycle.

89. I rarely laugh out loud at movies.

90. One of my favorite things to do is to psychoanalyze someone.

91. I think I need to be more vocal when I am witness to or victim of social wrongdoings.

92. I have never worn braces or had any major dental work done.

93. I rarely receive a wedding invitation that I think is classy.

94. I screen my cell phone calls.

95. I do not think there is an excuse for not knowing how to set your VCR.

96. I could never cut my hair so short that I couldn�t put it in a ponytail during my workouts.

97. I like almost all vegetables except Brussels sprouts.

98. I have an uncanny knack for remembering dates.

99. I have an uncanny knack for remembering people�s names.

100. I believe in angels.