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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
July 11, 2002~~7:48 p.m.
Foprah and Flixie Flicks

Oprah made me cry today. Damn her.

She does that every once in awhile�usually it�s just the makeover shows. I get so verklempt (sp?) over the pivotal experiences those women go through. I just am always so happy for them for their new lives. I wish, that in the interest of public policy, Oprah would have Monday Makeover Day like Tuesday Dr. Phil days every week. Just because there will never be enough makeover shows. Never.

Anyhoo, she had what might have been a re-run on today about incredible genius children. One kid, who is 10 or something, is graduating from college, planning to get 4 doctorate degrees and is currently spending his summer break working on world peace. Um, yeah. During MY college breaks, I was baking in the sun and teaching swim lessons.

So then at the end, she had Josh Groben on, the guy who filled in for Andrea Boccelli and sang with Celine Dion at some event about 4 years ago and is now a total star. He�s 21 now, but SO unassuming. It�s as if he has no idea how good he is or that his talent will bring him fame. So I cried. He was just so good and passionate about singing. And I realized that I�m running out of time to make my big musical break. I made a mental note to sing more in the shower�


Speaking of making it big in Nashville (close to which I do NOT live, but whatever. We are now in the technological age. Anything is possible. I can telecommute to the studio.) the Dixie Chicks need to hurry up and release their album already! I now know all the words to �Long Time Gone� and can we give a big �hurrah!� to the shout out that our man Johnny gets in that song??!!

Thank you Martie, Emily and Natalie! You are my heroines!

The reference to The Man in Black (and our other Classic Country Cohorts) goes as follows: �they sound tired but they don�t sound HAGGARD, they got money but they don�t have CASH, they got junior but they don�t have HANK�

God I love them. I really really love them�

I love them even more since the reason for their extended absence was partly due to their war with their record company, Sony over the amount of money they make on record sales. Did you know that for every cd sold by an artist, the artist actually only ends up taking home like one cent of the $15 or so dollars we spend on it? Yep. The only reason anybody ever makes any money off their music and hard work and talent and years of practice and sleeping in your car on Music Row is due to concert ticket sales. Unless you�re like, Garth Brooks or Britney (heave). Pretty much everyone else makes their dough off of touring. So the Flixie Flicks never make any money off themselves just by selling millions of records. So they fought their contract. And they sorta kinda won! So now they�re back.

You know, there was a time in my life when I hoped to be the girl fighting for the musician that made it big but never made big money. Then my law school plans were thwarted by Calamari and Perillo or some such bullshit and things like LARAW and casebooks that weren�t good for much except causing an overwhelming need for chiropractic attention.

Ah the good ole� days�


Know what else I love? and their message boards that totally rip on �Sorority Life.� Ha! It is quite a good procrastination technique at work, if I do say so myself (speaking of which, I can hereby clear up any question as to whether or not the Scientologists have kidnapped and maimed me�they most certainly have not. I�ve just been too busy to write in Diary much).

So I�m going to initiate a new segment in Diary called �Sorority Strife� to take issue with the show aired during the week.

So without further ado�.dundundunDUN !!!!!!

~~~Sorority Strife~~~

This week, I�d like to address something that actually happened LAST week on the show. Recall, if you will, when former Tri-Delt Mara alluded to the stupidity of having to rearrange the big rocks on the causeway hill into the shapes of SAE Pi. (Explanation: There is a hill along the causeway from Davis to Sacramento that is visible from the road. Upon it are numerous large rocks which sororities and fraternities arrange into the letters of their organizations.) Everyone does it. It changes daily, almost. It�s kind of annoying but kind of cool. It�s a Davis thing. So the Sigma girls took the pledges out to the rocks and then Mara bagged on it later, as if she had never done it for Tri-Delts before but guaranteed, she had. So whatever. Also, Mara is the only one from the show that, as far as I can tell, is personally answering questions on the MTV message boards. Fame searcher? I think so.

Also, on the message boards, she mentions that she�d never want to go through the pledge process again but that it was fun once. Um, hello? Basically, by saying that, you�re saying that the sorority wasn�t worth the effort.

But I bet the cameras were�

Oh and FYI, Jordan�s gonna dump Justin. KKG Kristin told Maria.

P.S. Why do I bother having a phone? Nobody calls me on it. Not even my boyfriend. What a sorry existence I have.

P.P.S. Abby�s back from her European vacation! Yippee!!

P.P.P.S. God help us. Anna Nicole Smith has a new reality show. Could she BE any more vapid? I think not.