Lauren's Ring of Fire

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Farewell - November 16, 2005

Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

Karma is a Bitch, Beeootch!! - August 30, 2005

Tribute - August 08, 2005

Buying in Bulk - April 14, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
February 22, 2002~~11:56 a.m.

~Hot water is a luxury. Shaving is a luxury that goes along with hot water. Milton not knocking at the front door at 9 a.m. with his hair askew because of his sweatband is, quite possibly, the biggest luxury of all.

~The Olympics, although somewhat entertaining for the first 2 days, are dragging. Dad-gum, I want my prime time t.v.!

~Dick Cheney was nearly a thorn in my side yesterday upon visiting Sacramento. However, I managed to avoid being consumed by more hatred for him by steering clear of trying to drive downtown. I stayed on my side of midtown and remained quite happy, thank you. The question remains, however, as to why he even had to COME here. George W. just "graced" us with his presence not two months ago. Isn't that enough?

~Can I just say that the death of Danny Pearl is really getting to me. I didn't know they videotaped his decapitation! That is the most atrocious thing I have ever heard of. I understand the argument behind not negotiating for journalists or any kind of hostage, for that matter, but in the end, he died. And that is all that really matters, isn't it?

~If you think you might have even a GLIMMER of a chance of winning a gold medal at the Olympics, you should learn the words to the National Anthem (aside: it shouldn't be too difficult, because even if you were picking your nose in the 2nd grade when Mrs. Goings was teaching you the words, you have a chance to learn them almost 20 times a day when they play it on the radio...) or else you should just stand there and cry or beam or something instead of mouthing the words INCORRECTLY when it is played and you are filmed and everyone in the entire WORLD sees you singing it WRONG. Just a thought.

~I have a new plan for gainful employment: Apply at Home Depot whilst claiming to be an Olympic hopeful. Apparently, they are the proud employees of the most people with an Olympic quest of anyone. And Maria went to their website to check. And it's true. I could type in the lyrics to the Home Depot Anthem I made up the other night when some guy who didn't know the words to the National Anthem was on the podium and I thought he might need some help redeeming himself, but I won't. But just know it had Maria rolling and I thought it was pretty funny myself.

~Just a sad sad thought: I had WAY more money when I was a student. This is so depressing. I'm having to only limit myself to bar-hopping in Chico, where you can get pitchers for a dollar, because it's the cheapest place. My existence is so sorry. But at least I can drink away my woes for under 10 dollars. That is a plus.