Lauren's Ring of Fire

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Farewell - November 16, 2005

Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

Karma is a Bitch, Beeootch!! - August 30, 2005

Tribute - August 08, 2005

Buying in Bulk - April 14, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
2002-02-20~~10:46 a.m.
All I Want for My Birthday is Hot Water

By now, barring any unforseen problems or Milton having a heart attack or his sweat band getting in his way, Maria and I should have a brand spanking new hot water heater installed and busily heating up out water.

I can tell you that showering at Omar's wasn't really that convenient even though his place is only 4 blocks away. Although I DID take a long and very HOT shower there. It was so hot I couldn't cool it off.

This morning, Milt was trying to be chatty with me while he pulled our stove out of the way and into the kitchen. I was busy being late for work and trying to watch Matt and Katie out of the corner of my eye, but Milt wouldn't quit. He kept talking about when he worked in Mexico and had to take cold showers daily and how refreshing it was. I mentioned that I don't pay rent to be "refreshed" by LimpNoodleSteve's lack of work ethic.

I left Milt to his devices and crossed my fingers that they all worked.

We shall see....


I finally talked to my boyfriend. It seems that after next week, he will be on more of a schedule and I might actually get to talk to him daily. As it is now, this once a week stuff won't cut it. Not for a YEAR for crissake.

I don't think I'll be making it down to see him until the end of March. It is sad. But it will come soon...and he might actually just come up here. Which would be nice. We can throw me a birthday party. Or maybe we can just get me presents. That would be good too.

Speaking of which, my birthday is on March 23. I will be 24 years old. I am in denial that this puts me squarely in my "mid-twenties." I am a bit fearful of slowly aging out of that age group where you are considered young, beautiful, and potential for the wandering eye of the middle-age life crisis sufferer. NOT because I want to date that guy, please. It's just that proverbial "21 year old bombshell" idea that I like to think I was included in the group of. That's all.

But now I'm almost 24, have no career even in sight, no money, some nice clothes, a decent car, but no money and no money. This is not what I thought 24 to be.

Actually, I thought 24 would be wrought with the hell of law school. So I guess in actuality, I am farther ahead than I planned on being. I am actually happy, for one thing, and I saved myself the extra $30,000 I would have been in debt for if I had continued on with law school this year.

Hmm. Maybe this will be a good birthday after all....

Yippee! I'm going to be 24!