Lauren's Ring of Fire

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Farewell - November 16, 2005

Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

Karma is a Bitch, Beeootch!! - August 30, 2005

Tribute - August 08, 2005

Buying in Bulk - April 14, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
2002-02-13~~11:15 a.m.
Junk Mail

Yahoo Instant Messenger loads.

Immediately, I receive a small gift in the form of a box that says, "You have 12 new messages!"

"Hooray!" I shout exuberantly. "My friends love me!"

I click.

I see.

I delete.

I inquire of myself, "How did I get on so many junk mail lists...spam lists, if you will? How did this atrocity occur? Someone please tell me!"

And so there are 2 messages of worth out of 12.

My life is so sad.


Just a thought: How in the hell did Rudy Giuliani get KNIGHTED by the Queen of England?!

Have we all simply FORGOTTEN his reign of terror over the poor and homeless of New York City prior to becoming Mayor of America (albeit a REPUBLICAN mayor of America...but whatever)?

I think "Sir Rudy Giuliani, Adulterer" sounds kind of funny.

Maybe it's just me.


Took a cold shower this morning. Sure did. So did Maria. This time, there wasn't even a glimmer of hot water to turn cold after two minutes. This time, all we got was lukewarm that swiftly turned to cold. I have hairy legs today because there was no chance of shaving. I am pissed.

LimpNoodleSteve at Whisler had this to say:

"Yes, we understand...we need to get permission from the owner to pay to fix or replace your water heater."

Um, yeah, I agree with that. Fixing or replacing it would be a great way to solve this problem.

Apparently, the plumber only came yesterday and "diagnosed the problem" but didn't actually DO anything about it. I wonder, then, why he felt the need to drain the water heater into our back porch area and track mud and dirt around our apartment.

'Tis a mystery.

We were thinking of asking LimpNoodleSteve if we can shower at his place until our issue is resolved.


Speaking of mail and such, I feel it appropriate to leave you with the thoughts of my friend Dianna. She has her own diary at which she never updates, but whatever. She has a new position at the title company as Bored Receptionist. I think she fulfills the position so well she might get a raise soon.

For your reading pleasure, I present to you Dianna's free form poem about one notorious daily visitor.

Ode to the Courier Man



That Flash of Blue!

That Midsize Sedan!

Who can it be but the Courier Man?

With his head shining like a flourescent light

And his arms crushing envelopes like petals of violets

He steps in and smiles

With Unzipped fly

With opened eyes

fearless of grey indifferent skies

like a flashlight our minds eye.

tell me how did you lose those teeth?

was it in glorious defeat

to gingivitus?

Call me little lady once again,

before you leave

to travel over that vast topography

go on and conquer

the freeway

the backroads

your dental hygiene problems.

Oh Courier Man!

Carry our hearts as

carefully as you carry

our copies!