Lauren's Ring of Fire

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Farewell - November 16, 2005

Laguna Beach - November 14, 2005

Karma is a Bitch, Beeootch!! - August 30, 2005

Tribute - August 08, 2005

Buying in Bulk - April 14, 2005

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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
2001-12-17~~11:22 a.m.
Fatigued Reflections of Weirdness

I am mildly exhausted. I think this Gay Crew stint is getting to me. It's still fun and all, don't get me wrong, but it's tiring when you have to work until 11 p.m. some nights, you know?

Then, this past Saturday, Omar and I drove to my hometown at 11:30 p.m. after I got off work. I am really getting old, because even though I got to sleep at around 1 a.m. and slept until almost 10, I was still tired by about 10 p.m. last night. But we still had to drive back to Sac, so I didn't get to sleep until late AGAIN, and now I'm at Unstimulating PR Job, so you know. The sleep-deprived delerium is really starting to weigh me down.

So what's new....hmm. I don't know. Except some sort of Starship Enterprise noise emitted from the back of the office just occurred. It is so weird here.

ooh. Speaking of weird here, I am still completely baffled by my boss, Dad Butt Pastel Man. I just canNOT, for the life of me, figure him out. Are you blah? Boring? Somewhat witty at times but only witty enough to warrant a courtesy chuckle? Here's the thing: he never even courtesy laughs at my lame but kind of funny comments. I mean, I don't expect a GUFFAW out of everyone every time I open my mouth, but sometimes I say something worth a reaction, you know? But DBPM does nothing but stare.

So last Friday, it's almost lunchtime, and he tells me he's leaving for lunch. Okay fine. Then he comes back and says "We've decided to go to such and such restaurant for lunch, wanna go?" And I had to decline because my parents' dog was at my house and needed to be let out. So I explained my obligation and thanked him for inviting me. Then he just stared at me. Um hello? I only politely declined your offer of lunch out (which would probably be about as fascinating as watching grass grow) and gave a good reason now WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME??!!! So weird.

Then, he was leaving the office early to go away for the weekend with his family. So his wife and three kids come to the office to pick him up. I was expecting some tall blond bombshell (based on the pictures of the kids I've seen in his office...and since there are NO pics of his wife--again very weird---I had to guess what she looked like) but she was actually short, chubby and brunette. And she barely said hello to me. It was all very weird. I can't explain it. And he didn't bother to attempt to introduce me or anything. Weird weird weird. Except now it is clear to me as to why he is not very well-dressed. I don't think his wife is capable of noticing...

Now, to her credit, she does stay at home with three small children...but does that mean she can't notice when her husband is a fashion victim? And furthermore, doesn't popping out three children for DBPM earn her a place in a frame on his desk? Maybe she doesn't want to take pictures with him because he just stares blankly into the camera.

P.S. I saw the most amazing Corporate Mullet at an office party through the window of a VERY nice restaurant Saturday night. All blonde and the short part was all fluffed and feathered and Aqua-Netted to perfection. Aah.

P.P.S. Asexual Dick informed me this morning that he doesn't want to have children and that he needs "peace and quiet for his quality of life." Could this be more evidence of an alternative lifestyle? I will let you, the jury, decide. I am merely a conveyor of facts.

Yes, I am.