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The Official Mood of Ringoffire is: The current mood of ringoffire at
July 02, 2002~~10:42 p.m.


LimpNoodleSteve has been. Enough said.

Oh. Except that our court date is Monday, August 5 at 8:30 a.m. Hopefully, this fits in with NONE of his plans. Ha!



I had it last weekend. Jeni and I hung out at the Pride Parade in San Francisco most of the day on Sunday and then went to see the sights. The sights included naked pot-bellied men with socks on, a prom drag queen, a freckled man in a pink tutu, a troll with blue sparkled eye shadow in large petticoats and even larger heavy green dress, a bearded man with an enormous wedding dress and red beads (definitely not a good match�I was later advised by a fag in line behind me for the bathroom that although he would never see me again in his life, he hoped I wouldn�t choose that dress to get married in. I assured him I would avoid it like the plague), an elderly fellow with a cock ring and a rather enlarged genitalia as a result�among other fun things of interest.

Oh and the band was really good too.

And Jeni ended up with a free piece of art which was given to her generously by Willow, who had lovely lips that were defined by pink lipstick and silver glitter. It was a shrine to the penis. It had two tribal men sculpted into it on their backs with erections.

The artistic erections didn�t stand a chance against the real ones we saw that day, though.



The girls have it, and so do I. Please oh please, somebody tell me why they put the fat girl in with the skinny blonde Protestant bitches at the last minute??!! That was just so mean. And also, don�t believe Mara for one minute that THAT was the first time she experienced �the rocks.� She made it all out to be this stupid thing that she didn�t understand, but um, hello? Do you have Tri-Delta amnesia or something? EVERYONE does the rocks at some point in their Greek careers. She�s so lame. I don�t care if she IS Jeni�s friend. Lame.

LAME, I say!

Oh and I regretfully owe Bunim-Murray a not heartfelt apology. They are not the producers of that show with the really bad intro theme song. It�s some other guy. But still, I blame them because they were the crusaders of reality television on MTV. So there.

P.S. Davis has MUCH cuter scenery than MTV has so far made it out to have. What the hell is the �UC Davis, 3 mi.� sign all about?? Crikey!



Quite possibly, the LAST thing I care to see is Brandy give birth on national television. Will someone please give me some Demerol and put me out of my misery? Oh right. I�ll just change the channel.

But seriously. Can someone just tell Brandy that there is no chance of her becoming Britney and that her chance was like, 10 years ago and it didn�t happen? Now all she�s going to do is fake out a bunch of impoverished young black women into thinking that young motherhood is easy and wonderful and worse, preferable. Brandy is like, the only 23 year old black woman who can have a baby shower and then give away the gifts to charity. And then have another shower that her interior decorator designs. I feel some morning sickness coming on.

Oh wait. That�s just me wanting to barf.



Poor Matt Lauer. He looks like a cancer stricken Holocaust survivor. What is that about?



Here�s to hoping the Marine Corps does not thwart my plans to see my boyfriend and I can have a fun weekend with him. Happy 4th of July everyone!

P.S. Brandy just started crying out of fear when she saw the maternity ward. This is too much. I have to go to bed.